For today’s Elby blog we want to introduce you to an Elby superfan Terry. Terry often communicates with us on our social media posts and in direct messenger, he provides great feedback and is someone we have really grown to trust and value. We would like to take a moment to say thank you Terry and highlight him on our blog!
So Terry tell us a little bit about you:
After a 24 year career in radio and television broadcasting I began working at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse as a distance learning coordinator. Because of COVID-19 I have been extremely busy supporting video conferencing. I turned 63 in July and at the same time finished successful cancer treatment. I wanted to treat myself to a special present so I purchased my Elby!
What Made you want to get an Elby: I have had many Ebikes over the years, both DIY as well as one from Walmart and others from leading manufacturers. Because of my age and the loss of some flexibility in my legs I was looking for a new electric bike with no upper bar and a low step-thru. I started doing on-line research and I discovered Elby Ebikes! It had everything I was looking for including the 500 watt BionX power plant, hydraulic brakes, integrated lighting and back racking, puncture resistant tires, easily adjustable seat and handle bars so it is customized to fit me and regenerative braking. Since Elby was designed and engineered in Canada and it is manufactured in Taiwan it is of much higher quality than the normal Chinese electric bike. I really liked that fact! I also really thought the color choices were fun! I had a difficult time deciding if I wanted blue or orange. I decided on blue since it matches my eyes!
What is it now like to own an Elby: I never thought that I would own such a nice electric bike. When I ride my Elby it is so relaxing and enjoyable. My house is on the side of a bluff and I am at the top of a steep hill. Riding my Elby up the road at 12 mph makes me feel super human!
If you could pick one thing Elby does in the future what would that be (new product, service, it can be anything!) As I age and my balance deteriorates it would be nice to think that Elby might come up with an electric tricycle – a quality unit for aging adults!
Special thanks to Terry, keep being awesome and Feeling Electric!